Entry Essentials

Once your application has been submitted it will be be independently and professionally reviewed by our Judging Panel, finalists will be selected and winners announced on Award night.

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Why Should I Enter

Finding a way to highlight the work you do and the commitment you make to your industry is rare. Applying to NIMIA offers the remarkable opportunity to showcase what it is that you do differently, the passion you commit to your brand, and the contributions you make to your clients.

From propelling your PR to networking with influential peers, saying thank you to your team to laying the foundations for scaling your company, being part of NIMIA represents a genuine launchpad for growth and acknowledgment.

Your Success

Shine a light on the commitment and creativity you’ve dedicated to your profession and offers a chance for outside validation and celebration.

Raise Your
Company Profile

Being part of a prestigious awards event will help build your brand with authenticity and substance.


From an industry leading judging panel to an awards ceremony where you’ll be shoulder to shoulder with colleagues to admire and inspire.

Making Your Entry Stand Out

When you’re making your application, take your time to be clear. It’s easy to over explain your achievements, to go into too much detail or to spend time only on one item.

Try to break down your application into sections that are clear, concise and really tell a story about who you or your brand are. Our judges want to understand you, get to know you and to understand the authentic contribution you’re making to the industry.

Keep it Simple

Be clear and concise in your application, the judges want to see exactly what you can do.

Use Examples

If you have stats or specific stories, include them. Our judges want to get to know you.

Be Yourself

Be authentic. Tell us what your experiences are, not what you think our judges want to read.

Showcase your talents

This is your chance to really shout about what you’ve been doing. Don’t be modest!

Award Categories22

Apply and position your company or yourself among the best in the industry. Showcase the impact of your work while you raise your profile and acknowledge the contribution of your team.

The awards offer the opportunity to build your team, and to say thank you to your clients. Consider which of the 18 categories is most relevant to you.

Award CategoriesAward CategoriesAward Categories

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